
On Tue, 27 Apr 2004, Laura Valvatne wrote:
> A 60-year-old male who works for the U.S. Department of Agriculture  
> sent me the following letter. I would appreciate any thoughts you have 
> before I reply.  
> "Would you be able to recommend to me some reading material about a
> couple of topics that I've pondered about for a long time, but haven't
> come up with any answers. Maybe even a class at the College that would
> enlighten me.
> 1- What is it about some folks, both at work and in my personal life,
> that just plain talk too much. They will even follow me to keep talking,
> its not lecturing type talk, its just talk about things. Often one topic
> just drifts in to another. Its usually about their life in some manner,
> about their kids or their experiences.
> Is there something I should be doing? Are they looking for some kind of
> feedback? What in the world causes such things? The folks that I'm
> referring to seem to have a pretty high view of themselves and their
> experiences.

Tannis Arbuckle and colleagues at Concordia have done research on
the topic of Verbosity, in particular with respect to the

Best wishes

James M. Clark                          (204) 786-9757
Department of Psychology                (204) 774-4134 Fax
University of Winnipeg                  4L05D
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3B 2E9             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CANADA                                  http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/~clark

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