OK - I think we're getting close (thanks, Stan & Tim). There are four
"innocent" outcomes - 1111, 2222, 3333, and 4444. But there are 256
total possibilities (4 four each of 4 places, 4*4*4*4 = 256), so the p
"innocence" by chance = 4/256 = .0156. 

I agree a Bayesian approach would be useful, since we really want the p
of innocence or guilt, not the p of the data being such-and-such. Using
the "odds" ratio for of Bayes theorem (H = alternate hypothesis, ~H =
null, D = data):

posterior odds = prior odds * relative likelihood

p (H / D)               p (H)           p (D / H)
-------- =              ----- * ---------
p (~H / D)              p (~H)  p (D / ~H)

H = they are innocent and ~H = they lie, D = all 4 students getting the
same tire. p(H) and p (~H)? Let's say "even odds" - 1/1 

p (D / H) = getting all 4 tires the same if innocent. Close to 1, but
let's say = .90 since memory is imperfect.

p (D / ~H) = getting all 4 tires by chance = 4/256 = .015

So, posterior odds = (1/1) * (.9/.015) = or 60 to 1 in favor of
innocence, or p innocence = 60/61 = .98.

If the professor had other evidence that increased her intuition they
were guilty (past history, for instance), and thought it 2 to 1 they
lied, (1/2)* (.9/.015) = 30 to 1 odds of innocence, or p innocence =
30/31 = .968. Doesn't change much unless we really tweak the prior odds.

If we make D = getting different tires, p innocence is (1/1) * (.1/.98)
or 10 times more likely to be guilty if they mess up the tire question
(p guilt =.91). If prior odds in favor of guilt are 2 to 1, then (1/2) *
(.1 /.98) = 20 to 1 in favor or guilt (p guilt = .95). 

(I did these ## quickly - are they correct??). Tim: this is totally
ignoring your point which is the p of different tires being flat.

John W. Kulig
Professor of Psychology
Plymouth State College
Plymouth NH 03264

"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of
life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet" - Albert

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shearon, Tim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 5:08 PM
> To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences
> Subject: RE: Final Exam
> Stan - Depends. What is the 4 in 4 x 4 x 4 to represent? Seems to me
> there is a .25 chance (1/4) for each one to pick each tire. That
yields a
> .25 x .25 x .25 = 0.015625 or 1.5625% chance of innocence. But is that
> really correct. I think the actual number of events is really more
> complicated that it might seem. I'm assuming that anyone in college
> a test has some experience with flat tires on their car. So one way to
> approach it would require a Bayesian knowldege of the history of those
> individuals (to know what bias would seed their choices- for me it is
> passenger side front hands down!). I know, for example, that the
> rate of flats is higher on some tires than others (drivers side vs
> passenger, front vs rear, etc.). That's why they tell us to rotate the
> tires is to even out the wear etc. Course, who actually does that on
> busy schedules. I think you could work out any number of possible
> but all of them would mean that the three aren't very likely to guess
> correctly. Their only "chance" of passing were anyone dumb enough to
> this is to have worked their response out in advance. It is still a
> humorous idea even though I bet this is urban myth. Kind of like the
> "graduate student proctoring an exam and sees a student cheating. She
> waits till the student is finished and begins to turn in their answer
> sheet (blue book, etc- depends on the version). She tells the student
> keep their sheet as she has seen them cheating. The student looks
> for a moment then says, 'Do you know who I am?' After a heated
> the grad student says, 'No I don't and it doesn't matter.' At which
> the student puts their paper in the stack, throws the papers into the
> and exits the room." These are all cute and funny but probably never
> happened anyway. :)
> Tim Shearon, Albertson College of Idaho, Caldwell, ID
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stanley Cohen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wed 12/1/2004 1:35 PM
> To:   Teaching in the Psychological Sciences
> Cc:
> Subject:      RE: Final Exam
> John,
> I calculate an even higher "chance rate." There 4x4x4=64 events in the
> outcome space. In four of the events (assume tires labeled 1,2,3,4)--
> (1,1,1), (2,2,2),(3,3,3),(4,4,4)--the jury finds them innocent. Thus
> 4/64=.0625.
> Is my logic gone astray somewhere?
> Best,
> Stan
> >>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> "If you're going through hell, keep going."
>                               - Winston Churchill
> Stanley H. Cohen, PhD
> Professor & Interim Associate Chair
> Faculty Senate Chair, 2002-2003
> Department of Psychology
> West Virginia University
> 1220 Life Sciences Building
> Morgantown, WV 26506-6040
> http://www.as.wvu.edu/psyc/Faculty/SCohen/index.htm
> Tel. No.: 304-293-2001x31641
> Fax: 304-293-6606
> >>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/1/2004 10:42:36 AM >>>
>  Of course, there is a non-trivial probability of choosing the same
> by chance. Nearly 16 times out of 1000 (from ¼ * ¼ * ¼) lying students
> would all agree on the same tire. Scenes we'd like to see: The jury
> you INNOCENT, p = .016 J
> ============================================
> John W. Kulig
> Professor of Psychology
> Plymouth State College
> Plymouth NH 03264
> ============================================
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gary Klatsky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 9:37 AM
> To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences
> Subject: FW: Final Exam A cute parable for this time of year Gary J.
> Klatsky, Ph. D.Director, Human Computer Interaction M.A. Program
> Department of Psychology                [EMAIL PROTECTED] State
> University (SUNY)       http://www.oswego.edu/~klatsky7060 State Hwy
> Voice: (315) 312-3474Oswego, NY 13126                           Fax:
> (315) 312-6330 All of us who are concerned for peace and triumph of
> and justice must be keenly aware how small an influence reason and
> good will exert upon events in the political field.
> Albert Einstein  At Duke University, there were four sophomores taking
> Chemistry and all of them had an 'A' so far.  These four friends were
> confident that the weekend before finals, they decided to visit some
> friends and have a big party.  They had a great time, but after all
> hearty partying; they slept all day Sunday and didn't make it back to
> until early Monday morning.  Rather than taking the final then, they
> decided that after the final, they would explain to their professor
> they missed it.  They said that they visited friends but on the way
> had a flat tire.  As a result, they missed the final. The professor
> they could make up the final the next day.  The guys were excited and
> relieved.  They studied that night for the exam.  He placed them in
> separate rooms and gave them a test booklet.  They quickly answered
> first problem, worth five point! s.  Cool, they thought! Each one, in
> separate rooms, thought this is going to be easy. Then they turned the
> page.  On the second page was written:  For 95 points: Which tire
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