For those following the "Academic Bill if Rights" debate, see this. Things are getting pretty hot in Florida. It looks like, if it passes, college teachers may not be able to mention evolution without giving equal and equally favorable time to "creation."

The other half of the article is about a speech about "academic responsibilities" by the president of Columbia. Not mentioned is Columbia's poor position historically with respect to academic freedom. It was the school that fired two professors, including "our own" James McKeen Cattell for having opposed to the draft during World War I (violating Woodrow Wilson's notorious sedition law). (Then again, as Michael Sokal has documented, Cattell did lots of things while at Columbia that made his colleagues not terribly eager to leap to his defense when the hammer fell.)

Christopher D. Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3

416-736-5115 ex. 66164

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