On 17 Jun 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> With the permission of the student who wrote the following note to me, I am  
> passing this question along to your wiser heads
> 1.  Has there been any success in the search for  underlying
> symbols/archetypes that are recognized a most people in the world  (without
> previous instruction).
> 2.  Can most humans recognize a  "stick person" when drawn, or other simple
> symbols?  If even moderatly  so, to what degree?
> 3.  How possible is it to create visual  "instructions" (think of the
> pamphlet on an airplane of a fire  evacuation)--not bound by language--that
> most people can understand (without  previous instruction)?

It's taken me a while to get back to this interesting question but 
better late than never. If the focus of the question is changed 
somewhat, it seems that the US government, through its entity NASA 
and the late, great Carl Sagan, tried to answer it. They changed the 
question so that it concerned how best to achieve recognition, not by 
an untutored human population, but by an extraterrestrial one, 
presumably one which would be profoundly more intelligent and 
technologically advanced than we are (even more than George Bush and 
Paul Martin).  If I recall Sagan's science fiction novel, _Contact_ 
correctly, he envisaged extra-terrestrials trying to communicate by 
sending us a stream of digits which encoded instructions to build a 
spacecraft. But how could we communicate with them? He tried to 
answer that question for real twice.

The spacecraft Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 were launched in 1972, each 
carrying the same plaque with symbols on it designed to be 
understandable to advanced extraterrestrials. It included a diagram 
of the hydrogen atom, intended as a measuring ruler, a map indicating 
the place of the earth in the solar system and galaxy, and most, 
interesting, a drawing (not stick figures)  of a naked man and woman 
(with reasonably accurate, if slightly fudged genitals) The man is 
depicted with his right hand raised in what was hoped would be a 
universal (hopefully, _really_ universal) gesture of goodwill. The 
woman was depicted cooking a meal and vacuuming (no, she wasn't). 
Alas, it seems that not everyone was happy with NASA sending dirty 
pictures into space.
 [based on a Wikipedia entry at 

NASA through Carl tried again in 1977 with Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, 
this time sending a primitive device which seems to be a cross 
between a conventional record and a primitive CD (which is now _so_ 
obsolete in less than 30 years that one wonders what ETs would make 
of it). It contained the hydrogen atom ruler again, but no porno this 
time. Instead the device contained images of the earth and its 
sounds, including those of humans and whales, various music 
selections (from Bach to Chuck Berry),  greetings in 55 languages 
(Yo, ET! Howzit goin' eh?), and printed messages from famous U.S. 
President Carter and infamous United Nations secretary-general Kurt 

see http://www.cedmagic.com/featured/voyager/voyager-record.html

and you can see and listen to much of this stuff at:


But so far, ET has not yet returned our phone call. Maybe he'll get 
back to us in a few billion years or so, if he can understand what we 

Stephen L. Black, Ph.D.            tel:  (819) 822-9600 ext 2470
Department of Psychology         fax:  (819) 822-9661
Bishop's  University           e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lennoxville, QC  J1M 1Z7

Dept web page at http://www.ubishops.ca/ccc/div/soc/psy
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