Dunning, D., Heath, C, & Suls, J.M. (2004). Flawed self-assessment: Implications for health, education, and the workplace. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 5, 69-106.

Despite being the December 2004 issue, it just arrived about 2 weeks ago. If you're an APS member you already have it, as well as access online to the .pdf.

Paul Smith
Alverno College

Marie Helweg-Larsen wrote:
That sounds like a great article. Can you provide issue, volume number and year. Thanks. Marie

Paul Smith wrote:

Annette Taylor, Ph. D. wrote:

In addition, I find that at minimum going through spell and grammar check is a sign of respect for the reader. Most people with poor writing skills know that their skills are poor.

I wonder how true this is. No data in hand, but I just spent some time reading the newest issue of Psychological Science in the Public Interest, a fascinating article titled "Flawed Self-Assessment: Implications for Health, Education and the Workplace". The gist of it was that we are bad self-assessors with respect to a wide range of skills.

Paul Smith
Alverno College

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