Dear Wendi,


I use Richard Gregory’s book. It is comprehensive and well-written. I supplement it with readings from journals and include various student exercises, including writing a critique of a test and participation in a class research project in which we gather data on norms, reliability and validity.





Stuart J. McKelvie, Ph.D., 

Department of Psychology,

Bishop's University,

Route 108 East,

Borough of Lennoxville, Sherbrooke,

Québec J1M 1Z7,




Phone: (819)822-9600, Extension 2402

Fax: (819)822-9660


Bishop's Psychology Department Web Page:



From: Wendi K. Born [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 9:09 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences
Subject: tests and measurements text?


First, thanks to all on their helpful education on TIPS postings and taking things with a grain of salt.

On to business:


I will teach Tests and Measurements (Undergrad, 300 level) for the first time in the fall.

I could really use recommendations for texts or text-alternatives.

I would appreciate any advice or experiences that might enhance the class.

Please share anything that has worked for you, or things you WISH someone covered in Tests & Measurements.



Wendi K. Born, Ph.D.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist &

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Baker University

618 8th Street

PO Box 65

Baldwin City, KS 66006-0065


(785) 594-8437



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