Very interesting article about who affirmative action actually helps. (NB: Just because I forward a story doesn't necessarily mean that I advocate it.)
There seems to be an interesting flaw, however. The worry is that affirmative action disproportionately assists black immigrants into elite schools rather than "descendents of slaves" as it is put by the Harvard professor who has launched this concern. But the region of the world that the plurality of black immigrants in elite schools comes from is NOT Africa (28.6%), but the Caribbean (43.1%). While these folks may not be the US-born blacks that affirmative action was originally targeting, they are almost certainly "descendents of slaves."


Christopher D. Green

Department of Psychology

York University

Toronto, ON M3J 1P3


416-736-5115 ex. 66164


Don't blame me; I voted for Kodos.

   -Homer Simpson, "Treehouse of Horror VII"


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