Gerald Peterson wrote:
> I have no references handy, but seem to recall some work suggesting 
> girls might benefit, but I doubt it would make any differences for the 
> boys.  I am not sure how long-lasting any benefits would be either.  
> Shades of G.S. Hall Chris?     Gary
My understanding is that, of later, there have been studies showing that 
boys benefit somewhat by curriculua that are customized to their 
interests, and involve more physical activities.

I'm not  specialist on Hall's educational theory, but he certainly 
viewed mental maturation as a process of gradually controlling 
"primitive" (as he saw them) emotions and sexual urges. This is where 
his adaptation of Haeckel's "recapitulationism" came in: the "civilized" 
child "recapitulates" and passes through the mental "stages" of all more 
"primitive" societies as s/he matures. (Very politically incorrect stuff 
by today's standards.) This was also why Hall was so fascinated by Freud.


Christopher D. Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3


416-736-2100 ex. 66164

"Part of respecting another person is taking the time to criticise his 
or her views." 

   - Melissa Lane, in a /Guardian/ obituary for philosopher Peter Lipton


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