Could a case be made for the first systematic approach to what we know today as 
neuroscience as emanating from the lab and pen of Donald Olding Hebb 
(Organization of Behaviour, 1949)? I would not claim he was the first 
physiologiocal psychologist because he studied at the feet of great ones, but 
his book might rank as the first systematic attempt to combine psychology and 


Stuart J. McKelvie, Ph.D.,     Phone: (819)822-9600, Extension 2402
Department of Psychology,              Fax: (819)822-9661
Bishop's University,
2600 College Street,
Québec J1M 1Z7,
Bishop's University Psychology Department Web Page:
-----Original Message-----
From: Joan Warmbold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: May 7, 2008 2:18 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Subject: Re: [tips] Canadian schools of psychology

The SCIENCE of behaviorism came from Skinner, not Watson.  Watson gave us
the behaviorist perspective but proceeded to make quite wild and
non-empirical statements about the power of the environment that are
quoted to this day by anti-behaviorists.

Joan Warmbold
Professor of Psychology
Oakton Community College

  we view behaviorism as emanating from the U.S (Watson),
> but is there a school of psychology that originated in Canada?
> Btw, is Tolman the originator of S-O-R psychology with his cognitive map
> idea?

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