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"John" (2008), in his EvalTalk post titled "Instrument to Assess General Scientific Understanding" wrote [bracketed by lines "JJJJJJJJ . . . . . ."]

I am looking for an instrument designed to assess general scientific understanding of college freshmen who have completed a one year sequence in biology, chemistry, or physics.

I realize this is a very vague description, but this is preliminary research so am casting a very broad net. In addition to an actual instrument, references, articles, etc to help me get oriented will be greatly appreciated. BTW, I am well versed in psychometrics and measurement so am in less need of assistance in those areas.

To which Sam Held (2008) replied:

". . . . . Plenty of tests are available out there but I think to cast the big net, you may want to look at concept inventories. . . ."

For an inventory of Concept Inventories see "Formative Pre/post Tests For Various Disciplines" [Hake (2008a)]. The abstract reads:

ABSTRACT: I give references to: (I) well-known early concept inventories; (II) formative pre/post diagnostic tests for Astronomy, Economics, Biology, Biomechanics, Calculus, Chemistry, Geoscience, Statistics, Statics, and Engineering (Circuits, Computer Engineering, Dynamics, Electromagnetics, Electronics, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Materials, Signals and Systems, Strength of Materials, Thermodynamics, and Waves) ); and (III) seven reviews that discuss pre/post testing. *******************************************

Regarding III above (seven reviews that discuss pre/post testing), most concept inventories are designed to be used in formative pre/post testing to gauge the relative effectiveness of courses in promoting higher-order student learning. In my opinion, their use as only posttests would be of limited value.

Richard Hake, Emeritus Professor of Physics, Indiana University
24245 Hatteras Street, Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Honorary Member, Curmudgeon Lodge of  Deventer, The Netherlands.
< http://www.physics.indiana.edu/~hake/ >
< http://www.physics.indiana.edu/~sdi/ >

REFERENCES [Tiny URL's courtesy < http://tinyurl.com/create.php >.]
"John." 2008. "Instrument to Assess General Scientific Understanding," EvalTalk post of 22 Sep 2008 06:05:39-0700; online at
< http://bama.ua.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0809d&L=evaltalk&D=1&T=0&P=165 >.

Hake, R.R. 2008a. "Formative Pre/post Tests For Various Disciplines," online as it appears on the OPEN! AERA-D archives at < http://tinyurl.com/6cyemf > where URL's in my post are properly HOT-LINKED (unlike those on EdResMeth, EdStat, EvalTalk, and POD). Post of 7 and 8 July to AERA-D, ASSESS, Biopi-L, Chemed-L, DrEd, EdResMeth, EdStat, EvalTalk, IFETS, Net-Gold, PhysLrnR, POD, RUME, & WBTOLL-L.

Hake, R.R. 2008b. "Re: Formative Pre/post Tests For Various Disciplines," online on the OPEN! AERA-D archives at < http://tinyurl.com/3jcmsl >. Post of 9 Jul 2008 14:12:18 -0700 to AERA-D, Chemed-L, EvalTalk, Phys-L, PhysLrnR, and POD.

Held, S. 2008. "Re: Instrument to Assess General Scientific Understanding," EvalTalk post of 22 Sep 2008 14:10:06-0400; online at
 < http://bama.ua.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0809d&L=evaltalk&D=1&T=0&P=1158 >.

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