
Mike asked about what denominator was used to arrive at 1.25%.  If you go to 
the tables he linked to you will find that total column gives value of 
196,305,000 for 25 years and over.  This is the value Mike used in the 
denominator below (in thousands, the same as the numerator).  The ENTIRE 
population of the USA was about 300,000,000 in 2008.  So the percentage PhDs in 
the population 25 and older is 1.25%, as Mike indicated.  The percentage among 
billionaires is much higher.

James M. Clark
Professor of Psychology
204-774-4134 Fax
Department of Psychology
University of Winnipeg
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3B 2E9

>>> "Mike Palij" <m...@nyu.edu> 01-Sep-09 10:44 AM >>>
The percentage I've calculated from CPS 2008 (Detailed Tables) which is
available at: http://www.census.gov/population/www/socdemo/educ-attn.html 
is 1.25% (=2,472/196,305) and this number has sampling error associated
with it.  Is 1.25% significantly different from 3.96% (i.e., 4/101)?

Take care

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