My current favorite TED talk is "John Lloyd Inventories the Invisible":

But for a couple of passing references, it doesn't have much to do with psychology. He may not even be correct about a couple of items. Nevertheless, (IMHO) it models approximately the correct attitude toward our current state of knowledge. :-)

Chris Green
York U.
Toronto (or so I believe at present)

Britt, Michael wrote:
A recent TED talks video might be of interest when you talk to students about false memories. Photographer Taryn Simon interviewed and photographed men who were put in jail because of false memories on the part of their accusers. In some cases these false identifications were the results of manipulations by the attorneys and in other cases because of the natural processes that occur when we try to recall events. The most relevant part of this video begins around 11:36 in:


Michael Britt

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