Right Paul. According to CBC tonight, cervical cancer kills 900 women 
per year in the UK.


Christopher D. Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3


416-736-2100 ex. 66164


Paul C Bernhardt wrote:
> This is Kahneman and Tversky framing of decisions stuff: Doing 
> something that is known to kill a certain number of people is less 
> preferred decision compared to doing nothing knowing that some people 
> might die. If the news article focused on the tens of thousands saved 
> by the vaccine compared to the tends of thousands who have morbidity 
> and mortality from getting cervical cancer the discussion about the 
> unfortunate few who (allegedly) die from the vaccine might shift away 
> from outrage.
> -- 
> Paul Bernhardt
> Frostburg State University
> Frostburg, MD, USA
> On 9/29/09 10:19 AM, "Beth Benoit" <beth.ben...@gmail.com> wrote:
>      Just after Mike Palij posted the suggestion that we take a look
>     at the article discussing the fact that there /will/ be deaths
>     following flu vaccines, but they are likely to be deaths that
>     would have occurred naturally, this just came in to Google News:
>      the death of a girl in England after she was  given the cervical
>     cancer vaccine.  The vaccination programs has been halted while
>     the situation is being examined.  It should be interesting to see
>     if this is yet another correlation-without-causation situation, or
>     what factors are actually involved.
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2009/sep/29/cervical-cancer-vaccinations-postponed
>     I imagine that even though the news that there have been over a
>     million doses given without anything like this happening, the
>     program will face huge challenges now.
>     Beth Benoit
>     Granite State College
>     Plymouth State University
>     New Hampshire
>     ---
>     To make changes to your subscription contact:
>     Bill Southerly (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)
> ---
> To make changes to your subscription contact:
> Bill Southerly (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)

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