I don't watch reality TV shows and only pay attention to news
reports about them when something really unusual happens like,
say, former U.S. congressman Tom Delay decides to participate
in one of these farces.  However, today my attention was drawn
to a news item that suggests that a dance show on the Fox network
had a "Sharon Stone" moment: see the Daily News story which is
handled in impeccable tabloid style:

For you pervs, er, professors who would like to see the original 
video and determine whether it is the real McCoy or just a panties
crease, our friends at the Huffington Post have thoughtfully provided
the video snippet to us (they even have a poll: is it the real McCoy or
a panties crease -- though they don't use the term "real McCoy"):


Teachable moments for psychology classes:

(1)  When the "liberal" CBS network had Janet Jackson'd infamous 
wardrobe malfunction during the half-time show of the SuperBowl 
footbal game, CBS was fined for partial exposure of a female breast.  
What will the "conservative" Fox network pay in terms of money or 
other form of punishment for this display of female flesh?  Will it be:
a)  More than CBS, given the body part exposed
b)  Same as CBS
c)  Less than CBS, because the conservatives at Fox obviously
had made a mistake while the liberals at CBS obviously planned
the wardrobe malfunction
d)  No fine because the prudes who fined CBS will be good submissive
authoritarians and not fine their media overlords at FOX.

(2)  As noted in the one of the replies on the Huffington Post website,
if actual flesh was shown, was a "vagina" really shown?
a) Yes
b)  No
As a commenter makes clear, the vagina in an internal orgram and
the outer visual portion could be the labia and clitoris (or as another
commenter points out, perhaps a thigh fat row).  If people answer "Yes"
to question (2), does this point out the need for more "Human
Sexuality" courses?

Finally, if panties/underwear are really optional, does that mean that
Tom Delay is dancing around without .....

-Mike Palij
New York University

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