Thanks Ed-
I second the request. There has to be a limit to this inane trolling. 
Mischaracterizing people with mental illness does not belong on a listserve 
like TIPS.

----- Original Message -----
From: Ed Callen 
Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 4:26 pm
Subject: RE: [tips] Schizophrenic or manic-depressive
To: "Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)" 

> Please, please, please Bill, TIPS moderator, see this as one 
> last example of why this guy needs to be removed from this list. 
> I know the current extinction strategy is in place, and I know 
> Bill's comittment over the years to free speech, but there is no 
> real value of this person to the teaching of psychology list, 
> other than bringing up controversial issues to respond to. I 
> have seen this and been part of this list since it began, and 
> more good people have left the list because of him that have 
> joined, and I have resisted responding, but there is so much 
> good a list like this can do to have someone who has time on his 
> hands ruin. We all know I think that his examples of questions 
> "A student asked me this....... another faculty member did 
> this..." are all made up. We saw earlier that his "adjunct" 
> status to a bunch of colleges was not true or exaggerated, so 
> come on. We've got great people on this list with great minds 
> and ideas, let's bring it to that level, rather than have it 
> whither because of someone who is interested, imho, of reading 
> his own posts and responses. This is the only list of its kind 
> in our field, and I've hated to see it continue to deteriorate. 
> ________________________________
> From: michael sylvester []
> Sent: Tue 10/20/2009 6:59 PM
> To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
> Subject: [tips] Schizophrenic or manic-depressive
> I am trying to decide who I should have as a condo guest for the 
> upcoming holiday season.
> If I get the schizophrenic,that person would probably look at 
> the ocean for 8 hours and would not interrupt my day to day 
> activities.On the other hand,if I get the manic-depressive,I 
> would be forced to sing Handel's Messiah a couple of times and 
> then imitate the hounds of Baskerville.
> Which one of these would generate more complaints from my Home 
> owners association?
> Michael"omnicentric" Sylvester,PhD
> Daytona Beach,Florida
> ---
> To make changes to your subscription contact:
> Bill Southerly (
> ---
> To make changes to your subscription contact:
> Bill Southerly (

Don Allen, Retired 
Formerly with: Dept. of Psychology 
Langara College 
100 W. 49th Ave. 
Vancouver, B.C. 
Canada V5Y 2Z6 
Phone: 604-733-0039 

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