Since rich media is defined by wikipedia as "interactive" media that means 
things like clickers, I guess. My experience with clickers was awful, but it 
may not be typical, I don't know. I had so many technical problems and students 
were actually angry that they spend money on stuff that didn't work more than 
half the time, that I gave up on them this year.

Maybe there are getting better.....?????

I know that Sue can fill you on having online conferences. The system we used a 
couple of weeks ago for a discussion of the new Undergraduate Education in 
Psychology was great. I did not need anything except my laptop and an internet 
connection (I have a built in camera and speakers). I was able to see and hear 
people, and very interestingly there were background conversations going on 
with people typing to each other. My point though is that it was really GREAT 
and very engaging!

Are you also interested in other plain old multimedia things? At one time I 
think we on tips all shared some youtube urls for short videos we use a lot. I 
have lots and lots of them; as well as I periodically check the scientific 
american website for their one-minute podcasts that I download and put into 

So there's a tiny start.


Annette Kujawski Taylor, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110

---- Original message ----
>Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 16:48:35 -0500
>From: Beth Benoit <>  
>Subject: [tips] "Rich media"?  
>To: "Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)" <>
>   My college is having a workshop to encourage us to
>   use rich media for our online courses and has asked
>   us to bring anything we could or do use.  Do any of
>   you have any suggestions for things I can bring to
>   the workshop?  I know Sue Frantz and Michael Britt
>   have many, many offerings.  But where should I
>   start?  I'm planning an intro course in the spring,
>   so it would be a great place for rich media.
>    Suggestions appreciated!
>   Beth Benoit
>   Granite State College
>   Plymouth State University
>   New Hampshire
> ---
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