Hi Everyone,

We are pleased to announce that an ONLINE version of the 3-credit course, 
“Becoming a Teacher of Statistics,” will be offered during spring semester, 
2010, through the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of 
Minnesota. This is a 16-week course. Spring semester will begin on January 
19, 2010, and end on May 15, 2010. Individuals who are not enrolled at the 
U of M but have an interest in learning more about teaching statistics are 
strongly encouraged to register for this online course. All students who 
enroll in this course will be given in-state tuition rates. Open 
registration will begin on December 4, 2009. Non-degree students can go to 
the following site for more information about how to enroll in this course 
for GRADUATE credit: 
http://www.cehd.umn.edu/EdPsych/forms/EPsy5271NonDegree.pdf. Students who 
would like to enroll in the course but do not need graduate credit can 
register at the undergraduate level by going to the following website and 
walking through the registration process: 
http://onestop.umn.edu/non-degree/index.html. Students are also encouraged 
to review the Tuition Fact Sheet at 
http://onestop.umn.edu/pdf/tuition_2009-10.pdf for information about 

This course was originally developed by Dr. Joan Garfield, a renowned 
leader in the area of Statistics Education, and it will be taught online by 
Dr. Michelle Everson. The course is designed to prepare excellent teachers 
of statistics—at the postsecondary and secondary levels—who will make 
learning statistics a positive and successful experience for students. 
Students who take the course will:

• Become knowledgeable about current recommendations for teaching 
introductory statistics
•       Learn about different types of first courses in statistics

• Experience and learn about many activities that help students develop 
understanding of important statistical ideas

• Read articles by leaders in the national and international statistics 

• Gain experience using state of the art technological tools including 
statistical software, web applets, and simulation/re-sampling methods to 
help students learn statistics

• Learn about appropriate ways to assess student learning via performance 
assessment, student projects, and other assessment formats

•       Receive many materials and resources for teaching statistics

•       Complete a group project related to their own teaching situation

For more information about this online course, please contact Dr. Michelle 
Everson at gaddy...@umn.edu.

Michelle Everson, Ph.D.
Quantitative Methods in Education
Department of Educational Psychology
University of Minnesota

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Bill Southerly (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)

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