I have a student in my honors intro course who just lives by the Secret. 

I tried to tell her that it was a ridiculous premise (I may have even called it 
that, yes, my very bad--I just get so upset over highly capable students who 
swallow this stuff without thinking it through).

Although there are probably some good parts to the whole premise of positive 
thinking, etc. there are many aspects that are very negative and very confusing.

I went on line to find her some readings that do a more critical analysis but 
failed to find anything substantial other than blogs. I have the piece by 
Michael Shermer in scientific american but nothing else that would be more 
substantial and making a critical analysis.

Do any of you have any suggestions?


Annette Kujawski Taylor, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110

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