Mike wrote:

> Don't you realize that this is a Eurocentric view of the purpose
> of a college
> education?

        It may be--but what alternative would you suggest?

        Our academic institutions are _based_ on a European model. If there is a
need for an alternative model, it doesn't necessarily mean our current
institutions should change--but instead that new institutions should be
created which cater to that model instead. Then it would be up to the
marketplace (read: employers) to decide which model had the greatest value
to them.

        That may not be "pc," but I never claimed to support a concept of political
correctness. Students who can meet the requirements of an academic
institution should reap the benefits of a high quality education. It is not
our responsibility as educators to "dumb down" our programs to meet the
desires of those who would rather spend their afternoons on the sports
fields than in the libraries.


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