A student asked me if someone can bedriven
> into "permanent hallucinations" by LSD use.  I know about
> flashbacks, but is this possible?  I told her I doubted it.  Ialso
> told her I'd get back to her after checking with others.

I don't know about permanent hallucinations but I suspect that the drug 
can lead to a serious change in how you relate to the world. I knew a 
guy that we called "Space commander zuba" who took 300 LSD trips in one 
year. He never came back. Also in the biography of the rock group Pink 
Floyd called "A saucerful of secrets", there are descriptions of the 
mental decline of Sid Barrett, an original member of the group, who went 
around the bend and stayed there for decades.

Rip Pisacreta, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychology,
Ferris State University
Big Rapids, MI 49307

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