I have run into similar problems. One thing I have found that helps it
work is to exit windows and reboot in dos. running the dos prompt
through windows is when we get the problem of blank screens.

Yes, it is time I think to go to a new program. I've been looking at
Lab in Cognition and Perception out of Florida--I don't have the 
reference handy and since I am getting over, barely, the flu, don't
feel particularly motivated to look for it.

But it is windows based and I have tried a few of the programs
and they seem quite adequate. I still haven't figured out the
data print out. I liked Mellab a lot for the easy data analyses.
But if they don't go to a windows format with the new P2s coming
in we will have to deep six them too.


ps. anyone know where 'deep six' comes from?

On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, Deb Briihl wrote:

> I have been using this for the past 5 years, but this year I have run into
> more problems that I really like dealing with. Our university has placed
> Pentiums in the labs for the students and when the students run various
> experiments, the screen comes up blank, etc (this, btw is a DOS program).
> In addition, I have a computer tech person that is telling me the program
> is messing up the computers in the lab. Is anyone else running into such
> difficulty? I love the fact that the program can be run anywhere at
> anytime, but is it time for the program to go? Other suggestions?
> Deb
> Deborah S. Briihl
> Dept. of Psychology and Counseling
> Valdosta State University
> Valdosta, GA 31698-0100

Annette Taylor, Ph. D.
Department of Psychology                E-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of San Diego                 Voice:   (619) 260-4006
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA  92110

                "Education is one of the few things a person
                 is willing to pay for and not get."
                                                -- W. L. Bryan

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