Fellow Tipsters,

The following is a short article that a colleague sent me recently which I find quite 
disturbing.  It is not related to teaching, but it is related to our field.  

I have not been able to verify the information in the article, and wanted to know if 
any of you could verify the truth of what is said in this article.  Are the "Academic 
Pedophile Advocates" a significant group?  

-Luke Dalfiume, Ph.D.
Eureka College
Eureka, IL

By Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D.
? 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

In 1977 I first clashed with a group of people I call "Academic Pedophile
Advocates" at the British Psychological Association's "Conference on Love
and Attraction" at Swansea University in Wales. Ostensibly an "academic"
conference, the meeting attracted outraged press coverage when the leader of
the Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE), Tom O'Carroll, announced he had
been invited to lecture on positive adult-child sex.
At that conference, an old colleague of Dr. Alfred Kinsey, (author of Sexual
Behavior in the Human Male) whispered confidentially to me that Kinsey was a
pedophile. While I was shocked at the time, later research confirmed that
Kinsey had spawned today's Academic Pedophile Advocates. By 1987 many such
academicians came out as pedophiles in their pseudo scholarly, publication,
The Journal of Paedophilia while professors in major universities worked
covertly to gain unlimited sexual access to their children, and ours.

Radio host Dr. Laura Schlessinger recently exposed such pedophile advocacy
in the powerful American Psychological Association's Psychological Bulletin.

A Temple University psychology professor, a University of Pennsylvania
education teacher and a psychology professor at the University of Michigan
claim they investigated 59 "studies" on child sexual abuse of college
students. Imagine! Sex with children could be fun said the APA authors, so
"willing" child sex abuse should be OK.

Dr. Laura concluded that the APA, representing 155,000 members, had "gone
soft" on child molesters. "I'm scared this study could be used to normalize
pedophilia, to change the legal system ... like it did homosexuality."

True, but the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality
(NARTH), noted that "the American Psychiatric Association already set the
stage ... [in] the latest diagnostic manual (DSMIV), a person no longer has
a psychological disorder simply because he molests children." Thus the APA
created psychologically normal" paedophiles.

The NARTH article concludes, "If psychology indeed recognizes consensual
pedophilia as harmless, then civil law and social norms will be under
pressure to follow the lead of social science as indeed they did on the
issue of homosexuality."

Farberman, the APA publicist denied that publication in the Psychological
Bulletin implies APA endorsement. "We are a scientific organization. ... We
try to create a lot of dialogue." But when Dr. Laura worried the APA was
signaling an "attempt to normalize pedophilia," the APA spokeswoman found
that dialogue "ridiculous," citing a paltry 2.8 journal articles per year
for nine years as APA's commitment "to protect children and ... families."

Is the recent APA Academic Pedophile Advocacy article, one of the 26 they
printed "to protect ... children and ... families"? Perhaps. Listen:
Farberman says "child sexual abuse is harmful." She does not say
"child-adult sex" is harmful. The oxymoron, "consensual" adult-child sex has
been promoted in psychology and sexology circles since Kinsey. No surprise
that this "study" finds the "negative potential" of sexual abuse is

These authors claim up to 37 percent of abused boys and 11 percent of abused
girls whom they interviewed, reported their abuse as "positive."
Pornographers can put money in the bank citing those "data."

The APA is a reprise of Kinsey's fraudulent "study," which took 50 years to
begin to expose. Kinsey used child rapists in 1948 who "proved" their
victims enjoyed being raped. When children fainted and had convulsions
during molestation, Kinsey (a sado-masochist) reported their torture as
"pleasure" and "orgasm." He claimed the "hysterical ... emotional reactions
of the parents, police officers, and others" to molestation, created child
trauma. The APA authors agree. Absent moralism, say the APA authors,
children would be untroubled by sexual molestation.

Despite the desire for "dialogue" neither of the APAs ever confessed
Kinsey's fraud or the sexual psychopathology of the Kinsey team. Indeed,
both APAs train students in Kinsey's "consensual sex" model. Like Kinsey's,
this phony "study" will also appear in courtrooms, classrooms and bedrooms.
Spitting in the face of massive data to the contrary, APA's Academic
Pedophile Advocates claim child sexual abuse is less harmful than physical
abuse, neglect and verbal abuse! The goal? "Classifying a behavior as abuse
simply because it is generally viewed as immoral or defined as illegal is

Said Schlessinger to her listeners. "I've read this so many times, I'm
sick." "Psychology has become a god to the general public. ... If pedophilia
is not a mental disorder, what is it?"

Later we'll talk about how Academic Pedophile Advocates are bringing a
"pedophile abduction rights" bill to a theater near you. For example, in
1994 Oregon Senate Bill 586 proposed that anyone who "established emotional
ties with child may file ... for custody, guardianship, visitation" if they
had "a relationship ... within the six months ... through interaction,
companionship, interplay and mutuality." Stay tuned. Anyone smell an APA


Dr. Reisman is the president of the Institute for Media Education,
Crestwood, Kentucky. Her latest book is "Kinsey, Crimes & Consequences"

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