
Since this is the first that I (APA member) have heard of "Academic Pedophile
Advocates", I would be hesistant to deem them a "significant group".  I really
doubt that this philosophy represents the mainstream of APA thought on the
effects of child sexual abuse.

I know that some people who treat abused children feel that (adult) hysteria
that follows the discovery of abuse can make the long term effects somewhat
worse - but this is a far cry from saying that the abuse itself is not

I remember in graduate school being taught about certain fringe groups that
advocate "the decriminalization of all sexual activity" including adult-child
sex and the like.  Although I found their stance objectionable, I understood
pretty clearly that this was an extremist group (along the lines of NAMBLA)
and not a significant factor.  That was over 15 years ago.  This was and is
pretty much a minority view.  The best thing that clear-headed practicioners
can do is address the claims these folks make rationally using the vast body
of research by credible researchers (Finkelhor and others) that says that
adult-child sex is harmful and that consent is dubious.

I also have to question Dr. Laura's motives in attaching herself to this cause
- she appears to be trying to paint all APA membership with a broad brush -
her usual M.O.  This is not helpful (but she rarely is.)  "Psychology is a god
to the public"?  Hardly.  Just as many view us as witch doctors and "head

Nancy Melucci
El Camino et al College
Torrance et al CA

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