Just curious...why would anyone get on national television and divulge
confidential information?  It's not like this is one of those "I don't
know where to draw the line" sort of things.  It was such an obvious
breach of professional ethics that I don't get it.  Does anyone know if
she ever explained why she did this?

Susan Howell

On Thu, 21 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated 99-01-21 10:06:42 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> << 
>  I have always heard that she was expelled from APA for revealing
>  information about intelligence tests on a national television show. S
>  **********************************
>  Sally A. Radmacher, Ph.D.
>  Professor of Psychology >>
> I will also echo Sally's remarks.  The version I heard was that she disclosed
> patients/clients names on a Johnnie Carson show.  While she can appear in
> print and on TV, she cannot practice therapy.....
> Where's Stephen Black when we need him.....
> Jim Matiya 

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