It is customary in my high school to assign summer reading for 
students entering AP courses in the coming fall.  Last year I gave 
my students a bibliography of titles and allowed them to select any 
two.  The assignment served to get students started thinking about 
the work of psychologists before beginning my AP Psychology 
It's time to update and distribute my list for next year's students 
and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions of "must 
recommend" titles.  Last year I worked from C.G. Morris' 
bibliography (at U Mich, altho' sadly I've misplaced the site 
address).  I try to avoid works that are outdated, "pop"' or 
unchallenging, but also to address a variety of interests for 
students' first course in psychology.  To give an idea of what I have 
in mind, students last year read works from Chesler's Women and 
Madness to Shattuck's Forbidden Experiment, from Erikson's 
Childhood and Society to Seligman's Learned Optimism, from 
Coren's Left-Hander Syndrome to Zimbardo's Shyness (and a 
smattering of Sacks' books). 
Any suggestions?
Thanks for your help,
Oliver Bloch
Greenwich HS
Greenwich CT 

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