More suggestions . . .

Very recent discovery for me:
*Flow - The Psychology of Optimal Experience* (1990) or other more recent 
publications by Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi.

*To Have or To Be* (1976) or *Escape From Freedom* (1949, 1965) by Erich Fromm

*The Conceptual Nervous System* (1982) ed by H.A. Buchtel (selected papers 
from the work of D.O. Hebb).

*Genie - A Scientific Tragedy* (1993) by Russ Rymer.

For the more gifted reader, perhaps:
*The Origins of Conscioiusness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind*  
(1976, 1990) by Julian Jaynes.

Sandra Nagel Randall, Ph.D.
Wayne County Community College District, MI
Department of Human and Community Development

Athabasca University, Alberta, Canada
Biopsychology Consultant

Off: 248-948-8162
Fax: 248-948-5090
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