On Wed, 12 May 1999, Michael Sylvester wrote:

>    Btw, do you have an answer to the question: "what is the sound of one
>    hand clapping?"

The traditional answer to this Buddist 'koan' is for the student to slap
the inquisitor across the face, wordlessly. 

Of course, one the the all-time great Simpsons episodes, the Mini-Golf
Tournament, has Bart give a wonderful answer: 

Lisa says, "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" and Bart says,
"That's easy!" and proceeds to make a small clapping sound by slapping his
fingers vigorously against his palm (you can do this too, but will
probably hit nearer the heel of your thumb).  Annoyed, Lisa says, "No
Bart, this is an ancient riddle that is supposed to bring you to
enlightenment!"  Bart says, "Lisa, LISTEN!"  and proceeds to one-hand clap
some more. 

Exasperated, Lisa moves on to a different koan (the noisy tree one,
coincidentally...).  I heartily recommend this episode, due to the
-wonderful- finish to the mini-golf tournament (-not- what you'd expect). 

bob k.

-----------------------     -------------------------  
Robert Keefer               Associate Professor
Psychology Department       Office Phone:
Mt. St. Mary's College      (301) 447-5394, Ext. 4251
Emmitsburg, MD  21727       e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
[Speaking for myself.]      fax: 301-447-5021
-----------------------     -------------------------  

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