Earlier today, I wrote:

>>I have two problems with Gay's explanation of his changes to Schur's account:

>>(1) He reworded Schur's published account in such a way that Schur's
>>to kill Freud seemed clearer. Where did these added words come from--from
>>Gay's imagination or from one of the other sources Kristina mentions?

Kristina answered this question by referring to Gay's use of Schur's
unpublished account from Feb. 27, 1954. I would love to take a look at this.
Perhaps the next best thing is to take a look at Gay's book.

I also wrote:

>>(2) Schur seems
>>to be indicating clearly enough that he and Freud had agreed to euthanasia.
>>Gay's implication that Schur was trying to cover up the truth is confusing to

>>me. It is true that Schur did not shout to the mountain tops, "Yes I killed
>>on purpose," but he comes very close. Furthermore, Gay states in his notes
>>Schur "may" have given a third injection; but, in the passage from the
>>he does not indicate that there is any question about a third injection.

Kristina answered:

>My impression from reading Gay's end notes are that in his published report
>Schur wanted to avoid any suspicion of euthansia, but that he wanted the
>record to be set straight for the archives. His motivation may have been to
>protect Anna F. as much as himself.  Gay himself believes that it was an
>assisted suicide.

This still confuses me since Schur DID everything he could to make it clear
(except to state it baldly) that he and Freud had agreed to end Freud's life,
and that Anna Freud was in on the decision. My original question was simply
about the dose: was 2 cg injected twice within 12 hours sufficient to have
killed Freud? I asked this because I could not believe what Schur was
saying--that he had killed Freud--and that he was saying this in such a public
manner. Thus, I simply cannot fathom why, after everything else Schur implied
about trying to end Freud's life, that he would not have stated that he
injected 3 cg instead of 2, and that he had done this three times instead of

Oh well, perhaps it is not very important after all since it seems clear that
Schur had intentionally assisted Freud's suicide. Thanks Kristina for answering
my questions. And I'm sorry that my posts appeared out of order so that it was
difficult for you to know what I was responding to.


Jeffry P. Ricker, Ph.D.          Office Phone:  (602) 423-6213
9000 E. Chaparral Rd.            FAX Number: (602) 423-6298
Psychology Department            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Scottsdale Community College
Scottsdale, AZ  85250

"For every problem, there is a solution that is neat, simple, and
wrong."          H. L. Mencken

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