Art Reber (artificial grammar implicit learning fame) from CUNY Brooklyn 
has a good dictionary published first in '85. I picked up a paperback version
in '94 ($12.50). I can't say I've used it a lot so not sure of its value to 
students.  It is pretty thorough, and I refered to it a few times in graduate
school.  Maybe it would have been helpful for the subject GREs.

Interestingly, I also have one by Philip Harriman published in '47. 
As a sign-o'-the-times, *consciousness* didn't get an entry, but
*connectionism* did ("Thorndike's system, which emphasizes the connections
(S-R bonds) between the stimulus and the response.")
and *memory* is first defined as: "Behavior appropriate to a situation
not objectively present." heh heh heh.


At 12:44 PM 5/19/99 -0400, Michael Sylvester wrote:
>When I was in grad school,I thought that having the DOP was something all
>Psych majors should have.
>Do any of you require or suggest the purchase of the DOP,and how could be
>for the GRE?
>Michael Sylvester
>Daytona Beach,Florida
Patrick O. Dolan                        Voice:  314-935-8731
Department of Psychology                Fax:    314-935-7588
Washington University
Campus Box 1125                         
One Brookings Drive 
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899


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