Hello everyone,

When I first joined this list, and posted, I was accused of eurocentrism
by M. Sylvester.  I was offended by the comment because of the racial
overtones in the use of this term.  I was hoping that this list would be
an optimal cyberspace experience, devoid of race, sex, looks, and
perceived  or real disabilities. I was hoping this list would be
comprised of educated professionals who would discuss and share
information pertinent in the teaching of psychology.  Much of the time I
feel like I am a student in an introductory psychology class being
challenged by provocative comments from the instructor.  I find this
annoying and would hope future discussions would move on from here and
be more relevant to the topic of the list.  I enjoy the
discussion of controversial topics, but not at the level of  a junior
high school student. I am so tired of the same old comments by
Sylvester, and I hope in the future he refrains from these types of
comments.  These types of comments are more suited to a classroom and
maybe not even then. Students are fairly sophisticated and Sylvester
comments are too old and too dated to be of any real challenge.  I look
to this group to be challenging, enlightening and interesting.

The ongoing debate with Sylvester is tiring.  I can only imagine the
energy that must go into it on a daily basis.  I have a lot of respect
for Linda Woolfe.  But is this the best way to use time and energy?  If
Slyvester is so bored maybe he could do some volunteer work and see the
real world.  Time to step out of the ivory tower where everything you
say is considered worthwhile and given respect because you are dealing
with students.  Students do humor us because of their perceived ability
to influence our assessment of their scholastic performance. Peers
constitute a much more realistic world, listen to them.

Donette Steele

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