David Likely wrote:

> Roughly, my original letter said that somebody had once suggested a TIPS logo and/or 
>reference page could be created which those members having websites could mirror or 
>to which they could link. (Sue Franz, by the way, has already got a list of  TIPSters 
>and their sites at http://web.nmsu.edu/~sfrantz/tips/tips.htm -- drop her a line if 
>you want to be added to that list.) I ran up a possible draft, which is what you will 
>find at http://www.unb.ca/web/
> psychology/likely/tips_info.htm


Having recently completed a long weekend of family activities over the 4th of
July, I am just beginning to catch up on my email, thus the delay in
responding.  Since the discussion has become part of the TIPS discussion, I
will respond to the group as well.

One of the major projects I have on my summer agenda is to create a TIPS
webpage, but with all of the other activities I am involved in (coaching 2
baseball teams, helping build a church, getting ready for the Fall, etc.), I
haven't made as much progress as  I wish.  

Though I still plan on completing this project, I welcome your efforts David
and those of others that wish to undertake activities to promote TIPS.  In
fact, I encourage anyone who wishes to help to get involved.  My only request
is to do as David did and simply let me know so I can keep track of any
efforts and once I have my own TIPS webpage, I want to add connections to each
of these efforts.

Let us continue our discussion of other ways to promote TIPS.

Thanks and Best Wishes,


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 *                           HAVE  PROBLEMS            *
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 *  BILL SOUTHERLY                                     *
 *  DEPT. OF PSYCHOLOGY                                *
 *  FROSTBURG STATE UNIVERSITY                         *
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