>From Martin's Human Neuropsychology book
It states that Berger was a German psychiatrist and then gives a 1929
reference in German. Another book states he first tried it on his son.

At 08:03 AM 7/26/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Yesterday, I sent a post discussing Hans Berger's intention to create a
>device (the EEG)
>that could measure neural activity associated with psychic phenomena.
>Donald McBurney
>contacted me off-list with the following. Can anyone answer his
>question; and does anyone
>have more information on his second set of comments?
>Jeff Ricker wrote:
>> "Donald H. McBurney" wrote:
>> > Jeff:
>> >     .... Did Berger ever work in the US?  It runs in my
>> > mind that the Berger rhythm was discovered in a Providence, RI
>hospital.  At least I
>> > think I heard that when I was at Brown about 100 years ago.
>> >
>> I don't know the answer to this: I had never heard anything about this
>until I read the
>> passage I quoted from Beyerstein's chapter. I aim to find out,
>however. If you do not
>> mind, I would like to repost your question to TIPS.
>> >Further:  I meant to say that there is a surprising amount of
>scientific research
>> >that was originally motivated by psychic phenomena, directly or
>indirectly.  (This is
>> >off the top of my head, but) much of the early funding for psychology
>came from widows
>> >and such who thought they were furthering psychic research, including
>Harvard, Penn and
>> >Stanford Universities.  The American Journal of Psychology was funded
>by a widow (I
>> >think it was a widow) who thought she was founding a journal of
>psychic research.  Etc.
>> >This would be an interesting research topic.
>> This also interests me. Again, I would like to submit this to TIPS as
>a first step. David
>> Likely is away (I believe), but let's see if anyone else has more
>Jeffry P. Ricker, Ph.D.          Office Phone:  (602) 423-6213
>9000 E. Chaparral Rd.            FAX Number: (602) 423-6298
>Psychology Department            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Scottsdale Community College
>Scottsdale, AZ  85250
>"I believe I am correct, but I may be wrong."
>                                               J. P. Ricker, Esq.

Deborah S. Briihl                       There are as many
Dept. of Psychology and Counseling      ways to live as 
Valdosta State University               there are people in
Valdosta, GA 31698-0100                 this world and each
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    deserve a closer
Now in new Assoc. size!                 look..

You got so many dreams you don't know where to put them, so you better turn
a few of them loose... Fire

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