People may recall that last week I referred to Freud's outrageous
theory that because women lack a penis, they develop an inferior
superego and therefore inferior sense of morality. Here's the quote
relating to this.

On the inferior moral development of women:

"I cannot escape the notion (although I hesitate to give it
expression) that for women the level of what is ethically normal is
different from what it is to men.  Their super-ego is never so
inexorable, so impersonal, so independent of its emotional origins as
we require it to be in men.  Character-traits which critics of every
epoch have brought up against women--that they show less sense of
justice than men, that they are less ready to submit to the great
necessities of life, that they are more often influenced in their
judgements by feelings of affection or hostility--all these would be
amply accounted for by the modification of their super-ego which we
have already inferred.  We must not allow ourselves to be deflected
from such conclusions by the denials of the feminists, who are anxious
to force us to regard the two sexes as completely equal in position
and worth."
        Freud, as cited in Pyke, 1982

Pyke, S. (1982).  Confessions of a reluctant ideologist.  Canadian
Psychology, 23, 125-133.

Sigmund, shame on you!

BTW, notice that my source is a secondary one. I tried to improve on
it by going back to Pyke (which was _very_ lost in my files) and
discovered to my surprise that she cites a secondary source
herself.This isn't satisfactory. For all we know, poor Freud never
actually said it. Does anyone know what the primary source is for this
quote? Where did Freud actually say it?

And while we're on history, I've been alerted to a new web site of the
archives of the APA at

But I wouldn't rush to it. It promises all sort of neat historical
stuff on American psychology, but when you try to access it all you
get is the dreaded "under construction". Shame on you, APA (for the
second time)!)


Stephen Black, Ph.D.                      tel: (819) 822-9600 ext 2470
Department of Psychology                  fax: (819) 822-9661
Bishop's University                    e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lennoxville, QC           
J1M 1Z7                      
Canada     Department web page at

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