Woolf wrote:
> Hi Nancy,
> I hope you don't restrain from posting important issues/topics to the
> Just because others may not see connections to psychology and teaching
does not
> mean that they don't exist.  I can't begin to tell you how many times
> The comparison to the "get rich internet scheme" is more than a stretch. 
> believe that we once again return to the "is this relevant to teaching"

Just because you don't see the connection to psychology of "get rich
internet schemes" doesn't mean they don't exist. Hmmm. . . now who was it
that said that?  


David J. Bennett Ph.D.        Voice: 617/521-2603
Department of Psychology   Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Simmons College
300 The Fenway                               ObQuote:
Boston, MA  02115          "Life does not cease to be funny when people
FAX: 617-521-3086         die any more than it ceases to be serious when
                                          people laugh."
                                                            -George Bernard

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