> The Hunger Site at the U.N.
 > This is a really neat website. All you do is click a button and somewhere
 > in the world some hungry person gets a meal to eat at no cost to you.
 > The food is paid for by corporate sponsors. All you do is go to the site
 > and click.
 > But, you're only allowed one click per day so spread the word to
 > others. Visit the site and pass on to others
 > http://www.thehungersite.com
I've checked this out and it's legit. The catch, of course, is there are ads
on the page you get after you click the button. In my opinion, it's a small
price to pay for doing a genuine good deed... 

Make this the "home" page in your web browser, so you automatically go there
when you start your browser; this makes it easy to click. If you think this
isn't appropriate for TIPS, I should apologize but I'm not sorry I did it.

Make today the day Louis wishes you could have every day.

Michael Renner

Michael J. Renner, Ph.D.                voice: 610-436-2925
Professor of Psychology         fax: 610-436-2846
 Institutional Research Fellow  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
West Chester University 
West Chester, PA 19383-2112

Office hours for Fall 1999 (Peoples 32): 
Tuesday & Thursday 9:15-11:00 am; Friday 1:00-2:30 pm

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