Maybe your colleague is a member of TIPS and your problem is solved.

Michael Quanty
Psychology Professor
CBMTS Project Director
Thomas Nelson Community College
P.O. Box 9407
Hampton, Virginia 23670
Voice: 757.825.3500
Fax:   757.825.3807

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Sylvester [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 1999 12:07 PM
Subject: Colleague with bad breath

one of my colleagues has a terrible case of bad breath.Even students have
noticed it.
What should I do:
A) be direct and tell him so
B) wear a mask when talking to him
C)put a toothbrush and breath mints in his faculty mail box,so he gets the
D) all of the above
E)other: please explain
   And while on this subject (free associating),I have known European
colleagues who would go for days without taking a shower.One German
dude who taughtt stats in my grad school really had a strong odor
and was irreproachable. We used to think that this was his way of keeping
annoying students from his office. With no offense to our European
tipsters, is this a frequent complaint.
For those in the cross-cultural psychology of health,it is my
understanding that Europeans have a long history of not taking a 
bath.And it was the Arab conquerors who taught the Europeans
how to take a bath.
Do personal hygienic factors  affect pedagogy and learning?

Michael Sylvester
Daytona Beach,Florida

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