Miquel -

The Rescorla-Wagner model predicts learning on a particular trial, based on
the previous "knowledge" and the salience of the CS and US. If the CS or US
are changed from one trial to the next, the model accommodates this by
changing the alpha and beta parameters in the equation. Each of the stimulus
intensities could be changed on each trial, and the model could still make a
prediction.  (Whether these predictions come true is another thing.)

I have a plane to catch, and I can't dig up this kind of references out of
my head, but I think the Lieberman learning text has quite a bit of detail
on the R-W model. You might check there.

Good luck.

Michael Renner

Michael J. Renner, Ph.D.                voice: 610-436-2925
Professor of Psychology         fax: 610-436-2846
 Institutional Research Fellow  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
West Chester University 
West Chester, PA 19383-2112

Office hours for Fall 1999 (Peoples 32): 
Tuesday & Thursday 9:15-11:00 am; Friday 1:00-2:30 pm

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