On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, George D. Goedel went:

> I have always assumed, as has Steven, that there were passive channels (for
> sodium and potassium) which permitted flow of Na & K ions in accordance
> with their diffusion gradients.

I had always assumed that all the channels were gated, either
electrically or chemically, but that a few sodium ions could always
somwehow sneak in anyway.  I was wrong.

> Carlson, in his Physiology of Behavior text (6th ed) notes that "By
> the way, cell biologists have discovered approximately 75 different
> types of ion channels, and more will undoubtedly be discovered."

Yeah, I remembered that; I just figured they were 75 different _gated_
types of ion channels.  I was wrong.

duly chastened,
David Epstein

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