Although most often Pavlov refers to metronomes in
"Conditioned Reflexes," my version (Dover publications,
1960, paperback), contains the following quote on p.27
(on "backward" conditioning):

"With another dog the loud buzzing of an electric bell
set going 5 to 10 seconds after administration of food
failed to establish a conditioned alimentary reflex even
after 374 combinations, whereas the regular rotation of
an object in front of the eyes of the animal, the rotation
beginning before the administration of food, acquired the
properties of a conditions stimulus after only 5 combinations.
The electric buzzer set going before the administration of
food established a conditioned alimentary reflex after only
a single combination."

There may be other mentions of bells, but this is the first
one I found.



Michael J. Kane
Psychology Department
Georgia State University
University Plaza
Atlanta, GA 30303-3083
phone: 404-651-0704
fax: 404-651-0753

"It is morally as bad not to care whether a thing
  is true or not, so long as it makes you feel good, 
  as it is not to care how you got your money as 
  long as you have it."
                                                     -- E.W. Teale

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