Do any of you know where I can beg, borrow, or copy a basic APA manuscript
that might be intelligible to most undergrads who are being introduced to
research in Psychology? The samples that I have seen in a few research
methods texts are some combination of too advanced/complex/error-plagued.
I would be very happy to pay for copying, mailing, etc., if anyone
already has something that might help and is willing to share it with me.
My students and I would be eternally (well, maybe not that long) grateful.

Best wishes for a successful spring semester, 
Hank Goldstein, Ph.D.            |   PHONE:  (319) 588-6305
Department of Psychology         |   FAX:    (319) 588-6789
Clarke College                   |   EMAIL:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dubuque, IA  52001               |
"You can always spot a well-informed person; her/his views are the
same as yours."
  Ilka Chase [paraphrased]

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