Mike Scoles asks:

>Does anyone know of cases, especially at the more competitive state or
>levels, where a psychology project has  earned anything other than an
>mention?"  Is there an appreciation of good research in psychology, or of the
>difficulties of doing good research in psychology (as compared to those

A few years ago a local high school student took his psychology project to
the national competition and, if I recall correctly, placed first.  His
project was later published in the American Journal of Psychology.  The
reference follows:

Doty, N.  (1998).  The influence of nationality on the accuracy of face and
voice recognition.  American Journal of Psychology, 111, 191-214.



Claudia J. Stanny, Ph.D.                e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Psychology                Phone:  (850) 474 - 3163
University of West Florida              FAX:    (850) 857 - 6060
Pensacola, FL  32514 - 5751     

Web:    http://www.uwf.edu/~psych/stanny.html

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