Here's another way to think about this: In over 10 years of teaching,
TA-ing etc. I have dealt with numerous instances of cheating, from passing
papers to the infamous "cheat sheet" imprinted on the inner bill of
baseball caps to recycling papers other students have written to.... I am
sure you see :)  Non-white and/or non-American students have been
over-represented and have been the perpetrators of the most obvious cases
of cheating.  What I am wondering is whether white American students have
a better handle on this culture's nonverbal cues, and hence are better
able to cheat in ways that American professors won't pick up on.  Stated
another way: do non-American students cheat in ways that stand out from
normal behavior, hence making it easier for us to detect?

Ann Muir Thomas, Ph.D.
"The Accidental Jewess"
Bentley College, Waltham, MA 

"You aren't belittled by being little.  Only by acting small." --- Red

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