How about having your students make the games up themselves?
The Game Project - Create an original game incorporating  psychological
concepts. The key requirement is that the game should be designed so that
advancement or success in the game is dependent on knowledge of concepts
covered in the course. You may focus either on breadth (a lot of topics
with basic equal coverage of each) or depth (one chapter in a lot of detail
- there should be more cohesiveness here, fitting together as a unit). You
may model it after an existing game or it can be entirely unique. The game
should take about 20-30 minutes and can be played by as many people as you
want. The game needs to include step by step instructions as well as all of
the props needed to play the game. Points are also given for effort,
creativity, and presentation. 

At 07:52 AM 2/14/00 -0600, Hank Goldstein wrote:
>Hi Everyone and Happy Valentine's Day,
>Many of my students believe that preparation for classroom game
>competition (Jeopardy, Trivia, Millionaire, etc.) helps them to better 
>learn and understand material and to prepare for exams. I have received
>impassioned pleas to use games more often. My problem is that I find it
>very time-consuming to develop interesting and challenging materials.
>Questions: Do any of you have templates, instructions, web sites, game
>questions, etc. that are suitable for computer presentations and that you
>would be willing to share with other TIPS members? Are there any
>commercial software games that allow you to enter your own questions?  Any
>help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
>Hank Goldstein, Ph.D.            |   PHONE:  (319) 588-6305
>Department of Psychology         |   FAX:    (319) 588-6789
>Clarke College                   |   EMAIL:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Dubuque, IA  52001               |
>"You can always spot a well-informed person; her/his views are the
>same as yours."
>  Ilka Chase [paraphrased]

Deborah S. Briihl                       There are as many
Dept. of Psychology and Counseling      ways to live as 
Valdosta State University               there are people in
Valdosta, GA 31698-0100                 this world and each
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    deserve a closer
Now in new Assoc. size!                 look..

You got so many dreams you don't know where to put them, so you better turn
a few of them loose... Fire

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