Thought some of you might find this article interesting (in one way or 
   another).  This stuff is way outside my area of expertise, but I wonder 
               how a more informed individual would react to it.
                       DNA Study: Humans Not Linked To 
NASHVILLE, TN ({HYPERLINK "../credits.htm"}BP -- Two key samples of Neanderthal DNA 
"are different 
  from that of modern humanity," according to a study in the journal Nature. 
This finding "adds weight" to the view that Neanderthals "perished without 
contributing to" the human gene pool, Nature noted in its March 30 edition. 
The finding runs counter to those in modern science who argue that humans 
evolved, at least partly, from Neanderthals. Others in secular science 
acknowledge, meanwhile, that Neanderthals are more like "cousins" rather than 
ancestors of modern humans. 
In a March 29 report on ABC News' Internet site, researcher William Goodwin 
of the University of Glasgow in Scotland said of his study in Nature: "... there are 
no examples of humans having Neanderthal-type DNA." 
Goodwin, in collaboration with scientists from Russia and Sweden, compared a 
DNA sequence from the bones of a Neanderthal baby found in Russia's 
Caucasus Mountains with a 1997 study of a DNA sequence from a Neanderthal 
skeleton found in Germany. 
In scientific terms, according to, the baby's DNA sequence in 
material within its cells known as "mitochondria" differed from the other 
Neanderthal sequence in 3.5 percent of the locations tested, while the difference 
with humans was 7 percent, which, according to scientists, is substantial. 
The Neanderthal baby, according to Nature's use of evolution-oriented dating, 
died around 29,000 years ago. 
Reuters and USA Today noted that Goodwin's study supports the theory of 
humans evolving from a common ancestor in Africa about 100,000 years ago 
according to evolution-oriented dating. And according to, 
Goodwin said of his study, "I wouldn't claim this to be conclusive." It is possible, 
for example, that humans and Neanderthals may have mated and produced sterile 
offspring, he acknowledged. 
The report noted that the Goodwin's findings also did not sway 
University of Michigan anthropologist Loring Bruce, a proponent of the idea that 
people descended from Neanderthals based on a progression of skull features. 
"The whole picture is still very spotty," Bruce was quoted as saying. 
None of the reports sought reaction from a proponent of biblical creation. 
Hal N. Ostrander, a Southern Baptist creation proponent and associate dean and 
associate professor of Christian theology at Southern Baptist Theological 
Seminary's James P. Boyce College of the Bible in Louisville, Ky., told Baptist 
"It's impossible for both evolutionary positions [pro-Neanderthal-human link and 
anti-] to be correct simultaneously. Hence, one or the other must be the case if 
you're going to walk the evolutionary path." 
Ostrander continued, "If you're a biblical creationist of some variety, Neanderthals 
could possibly be a distinct creation of God separate as a species from human 
beings (a very advanced 'hominid' of sorts), creatures that were never intended to 
be human and that have since gone extinct." 
Or it is possible that Neanderthals were, in fact, human beings, Ostrander said. 
"Hence, they would necessarily be descendants of Adam generally and perhaps a 
post-Babel population group specifically. If they were post-Babel, it's within the 
realm of possibility for them to have died out as a people group." 
(© 2000, Baptist Press)

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