
I am not one of the resident biopsych experts on the list, but my admittedly 
simplistic understanding of the issue addressed in your first question is 
that L-Dopa can not be used continuously for treatment of Parkinson's 
precisely because it causes typical dopaminergic (god I hope I didn't make up 
that word) side effects including psychotic symptoms.  Parkinson's patients 
are usually intermittently treated, titered on and off of L-Dopa repeatedly 
to prevent the onset of these symptoms.  Part of the impetus to use embryonic 
tissues instead - the pharmacological treatment is far from optimal.

Regarding question 2 I believe the answer is "it depends on the drug" but 
most are probably passed on to the fetus.  Women with bipolar illness must 
stop taking lithium before attempting to get pregnant, for example.  I am not 
sure what the dangers exactly are but since lithium is a toxic metal I am 
fairly certain the potential effects are teratogenic.

Hope this was a little helpful.

Nancy Melucci
Santa Monica et al colleges
Southern CA

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