Dear Tipsters,

Cases are interesting, but are limited for making generalizations 
such as "yes, dogs are stupid." It is interesting that the chocolate 
gannets have been a boxer and a pug so far (Louis did not mention 
what breed his dog was). A colleague of mine has also many stories 
to tell about the gustatory habits of his English bulldog (e.g., not 
only the chocolate, but also the box; not only the bread, but also 
the plastic wrap; not only a chew at the innersole, but consumption 
of the complete upper). 

Do breeds differ in the relative dominance of smell and taste over 
association cortex? And how do we deal with the experiments 
(underlined) showing rapid taste conditioning in rats?

Cases are interesting, as I have said. On the basis of n = 2, I can 
report that my previous Scottie and my current Scottie both watch TV. 
What do I mean? Well, they would look at it, and respond very 
strongly when animals appeared - either cartoon or real. I am not 
saying that this is intelligence, but it does indicate keen 
observation. Any other reports of TV-watching dogs (with breed 



Stuart J. McKelvie, Ph.D.,                Phone: (819)822-9600
Department of Psychology,                 Extension 2402
Bishop's University,                      Fax: (819)822-9661
3 Route 108 East,
Lennoxville,                              e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quebec J1M 1Z7,

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