I wonder if others (adjunct or full time) might have some suggestions
for the following query.  I have a hard time finding qualified adjunct
faculty--masters is a minimum.  We have many fine adjuncts, but it is
difficult to find those who appreciate science, critical reasoning skills,
and also have real Knowledge of basic areas of psych, classic research, etc.
When we bring them on board, they are observed by faculty and, of course,
class evals are done for us all in each class.  We have some general topic
outlines of what we want covered in General and Child psych, but I am
thinking of some kind of guideline to help adjuncts present critical
thinking, emphasize a science perspective, and advise them in covering
research studies with these goals in mind.  Do any of you have something
like this for your adjunct?  Or heck, for any of the faculty?  Many are
masters level counselors, clinicians, and motivational speakers who bring in
some nice anecdotes that make students happy, but they also are more
comfortable talking as therapists than as educators, and the kind of topics
discussed suggest their difficulties may be due to their acquired mental
problem of CPD (see Ricker post).   Just wonderin'     Gary Peterson

Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710

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