I recently read a message about cancer-prone personality and deleted it.
This afternoon I came across the following from Leventhal and Patrick-Miller
(p. 530; 2000):
"...Early investigators of the relationship between psychological factors and
neoplastic disease describe the cancer-prone Type C personality... and the
association of its 'helplessness' and 'passive acceptance' with poorer
prognosis in patients with breast cancer or malignant melanoma... Animal models
prognosis in patients with breast cancer or malignant melanoma... Animal models 
provide the most convincing support for such a causal link...Likewise, mice
selectively bred for socially inhibited behavior exhibit chronically low
natural killer cell activity, which has been associated with decreased defense
against tumor initiation and metastasis... Although there appears to be a
parallel between the behavior patterns of these uncontrollably stressed and
socially inhibited animals and those of the Type C personality, the causal
linkages among these factors reamin unproven... The data are, however,
consistent with an indicator function of emotion."

I have left out most of the references, but they are there in the chapter.

Leventhal, H. & Patrick-Miller, L. (2000). Emotions and physical illness:
Causes and indicators of vulnerability. In M. Lewis & J. M. Haviland-Jones, 
(Eds.), _Handbook of emotions_ (2nd edition). New York: Guilford.

Stephen Truhon
Dept. of Social Sciences
Winston-Salem State University
Winston-Salem, NC 27110

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