I just got a request from a local reporter asking if I knew 
of any research on a possible association between Holiday 
odors (odors associated with the Fall holidays of 
Thanksgiving & Christmas) and emotions and memory. The request was 
a little vague, but I gathered that she is doing a piece on how the 
smells of Fall and the holidays might affect emotions and 
bring back fond memories of childhood Christmases, etc.  I took a 
chance and said I'd try to find something for her. Is anyone familiar 
with any research along these lines?  I remember a little about 
Robert Baron's work on odors and helping behavior, but that's about 
it.  I'm going to hit the databases tomorrow but any help that the 
wise sages of TIPS could provide would be greatly appreciated!!  I'll 
share what I find with the list.  Thanks!

Mark S. Schmidt, Ph.D.
Dept. of Psychology & Sociology
Columbus State University
Columbus, GA 31907

Voice:     706-565-3573
Fax:       706-568-2461
e-mail:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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