Have you thought about putting them on a web site? I now have all of my syllabi there and some of my handouts. It also makes it easier for me to find those handouts as well!

At 08:57 AM 11/3/00 -0800, Diana Kyle wrote:
I appreciate reading the comments of Mike, Dennis, and Nancy.  The beginning of every
semester I encourage students to make friends with at least two or three classmates and
arrange to get notes on lectures they miss.  However, handouts have been another
problem.  It seems there is an endless request for handouts weeks later.  I've decided
next semester to put a copy of all the course handouts on reserve in the library for students
missing or losing them to make their own copies.  Hopefully, this will be a solution.   I
hate the thought of putting films I show in class on reserve.  What are others doing?
Diana J. Kyle, M.A.
Psychology Department
Fullerton, College

Office:  714-992-7166
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.- Aristotle
The height of your accomplishments will equal the depth of your convictions.
       --William F. Scolavino 


Dr. Deborah S. Briihl
Dept. of Psychology and Counseling
Valdosta State University
Valdosta, GA 31698
(229) 333-5994

Well I know these voices must be my soul...
Rhyme and Reason - DMB

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